Is Spray Foam Insulation the Best Choice For Your Home?

Posted by James on October 28th, 2019

A minor crack or hole in the ceiling of your house can be the cause of heat inflation. To reduce the heat you often utilize air conditioners day and night that raises the energy level which acts as a pinch to the pocket. The best way to lessen your energy bills is by installing home insulation. One of the most robust insulation products is Spray Foam Insulation. The spray form is made out of two composite chemicals, isocyanate, and polyurethane that creates a layer of protection on the desired area by expanding during the insulation process.

Spray foam insulation has two types comprising of open cell and closed cell. The open-cell spray foam is more light yet very effective. The moment it touches the surface, it expands incredibly fast leaving no cracks on the wall. The open-cell spray is cheaper, blocks noises and used for domestic purposes. On the other hand, the closed-cell spray is denser and makes the perfect moisture barrier. Despite being more expensive than an open-cell spray, the close-cell has an exemplary R-value.

Let’s have a look at the advantages of spray foam insulation:

Creates a Strong Air Barrier

No matter how well-built your home is, there can always be crevices for air to get in. To get rid of the unwanted air you can go for spray foam insulation. It fills in even the tiniest cracks by creating a tight seal on the crevices and cracks which is 24 times less absorbent to air infiltration. The air leaks are a major reason for elevated energy bills so by using spray foam insulation you can cut down your bills.

Improves Structural Integrity

The structure of a building plays a significant role in determining its strength. A solid framed building can be resistant to any external force. Other forms of insulation are ineffective in amplifying the ability of the home to stand up against natural calamities. By filling crevices spray foam insulation becomes a potent source to add strength to the structure of your home.

Blockage Against the Moisture

Breakage in the walls and ceilings not only cause air leaks but also increases the dampness. It is equally essential to protect your home against moisture as it is from the wind. Though most insulation models do not justify the job of moisture prevention from infiltrating, spray foam stands outperform the moisture level. By adapting insulation your entire house becomes healthier, more comfortable and drier.

Remains Effective Even When Wet

In case a pipe breaks out or your house gets subjected to flood, the insulation in your walls will get wet and need to be replaced unless it is spray foam. Spray foam is impermeable to water and retains its insulating power regardless of how wet it gets.

If you seek a warmer, stronger, drier and healthier home look no further than spray foam insulation, it can be the wisest choice for homeowners. Regardless of spray foam insulation being a little expensive in contrast to fiberglass, the savings you relish over the time will fill up all the difference. Consult an affiliated spray foam insulation contractor and let the professionals take hold of your home to inspect it properly. Since spray foam insulation requires a precision application, you should take the help of experts rather than following the practice of do it yourself. 

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Joined: October 28th, 2019
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