Social Add World

Posted by koko sharma on December 7th, 2019

How to Create a Winning Social Media Strategy in 2020

As soon as you think you’ve got this social media marketing thing down, something happens. It’s always changing. How are you supposed to keep up?

For starters, let’s talk about what social media marketing will look like in the coming year.

Then you can answer the question about how you can best leverage social media in 2020.

Before we get started, get into the always-be-testing mindset. You don’t necessarily have to be on every social media platform. But you should test them and see if it’s where your audience is and if it can help attract new customers.

Ready to dive into how you can create a winning social media strategy for your business?

Worry Less About Likes and Focus on Traffic

Currently, Instagram is testing how removing likes from the public count affects the user experience.

The company says this is an effort to promote mental health. Instagram’s CEO Adam Mosseri says, “The idea is to try to depressurize Instagram, make it less of a competition, and give people more space to focus on connecting with the people they love and things that inspire them.”

Removing likes should also help eliminate fraud and fake followers— people who pay for likes.

According to a study in 2018 from influencer marketing platform HYPR, “Some 64% of influencers admitted to buying likes.”

Plus, getting rid of public likes puts a heavier emphasis on quality rather than quantity and should encourage brands and users to focus on creating attention-grabbing content that will drive action that goes beyond a double tap.

All of this doesn’t mean influencer marketing is going away. In fact, as you’ll read below, it’s here to stay.

What this does mean though, is that you’ll want to worry less about the vanity metrics and focus more on action oriented results, such as clicks, shares, and saves.

Are social media users coming to your website?

Do they convert into leads and even customers?

If you have a ton of likes but no website views and no view-to-lead conversion, is social media marketing even working?


Investigate Influencer Marketing

From Instagram to Twitter to LinkedIn and beyond, influencers are everywhere. So are you thinking about the influencers in your niche and how to work with them? You should.

And after the rundown above on likes, you’ll be glad to know it’s not all about that heart or thumbs up.

According to a recent GlobalWebIndex study that was conducted in August of 2019, users who follow social influencers are less concerned with an Influencer’s amount of “likes” and care more about the type of content they share.

With that said, “The influencer market has ballooned in recent years and is anticipated to grow to a .5 billion industry by 2020,” according to The Guardian.

Test Paid Ads in Social

Whether it’s for the analytics or because you need to pay for greater reach, social media advertising could be part of your winning marketing strategy next year.

In 2020, marketers will have less control of their PPC campaigns and there will be a heavier emphasis on automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

As automation and AI continue to advance, this will require less monitoring.

Managing Partner of Moving Traffic Media, Jon Clark, expects the trend of decreased control to continue as Google shifts toward automation. He predicts that we may even see manual bidding removed entirely.

Also, Google ads launched Responsive Search Ads in 2019. These ads adapt to device widths and lets Google automatically test 15 different headlines and four descriptions you create. Then Google uses AI to put together a combination of these titles/descriptions catered to your target audience and their search term. This could help improve the ad group’s performance, generating more clicks and conversions than your existing text ads.

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koko sharma

About the Author

koko sharma
Joined: July 23rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 21

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