Here things no one tell you about relationship

Posted by MichealH Alexander on January 7th, 2020

The surprising, enlightening, and sometimes hard truths we all face after time, and how they teach us about what love really means.

"...And they lived happily ever after." You will look at the person lying next to you and wonder, Is this it? Forever? You know life is no storybook. But admit it: Somewhere deep in your subconscious lurk romantic visions of Cinderella. You want to believe your pure love for each other will pull you through. And it does. But it isn’t always pretty.  Relationship Problems Brisbane

That may sound grim. But here's a secret: Sometimes it's the least romantic parts of marriage that have the most to teach you about yourself, your partner, and the nature of love. Here some simple truths that will unlock the surprising treasures and pleasures in your imperfect, unstorybook, real-life love.

Early on, when people say, "Marriage takes work," you assume "work" means being patient when he forgets to put down the toilet seat. In your naiveté, you think that you will struggle to accommodate some annoying habit, like persistent knuckle cracking or flatulence. Psychologist Cheap

If only it were that easy. Human beings, you may have noticed, are not simple creatures.

As two people grow and evolve, the real work of marriage is finding a way to relate to and nurture each other in the process.

You will sometimes go to bed mad (and maybe even wake up madder).

You will go without sex — sometimes for a long time — and that's okay.

Getting your way is usually not as important as finding a way to work together.

A great marriage doesn't mean no conflict; it simply means a couple keeps trying to get it right.

You'll realize that you can only change yourself.

As you face your fears and insecurities, you will find out what you're really made of..

However, sometimes are crisis, people in relationship seek couple therapy for any number of reasons, from power struggles and communication problems, to sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity. Though therapy is recommended as soon as discontent arises in a relationship.

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MichealH Alexander

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MichealH Alexander
Joined: September 11th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,627

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