Problems Memory Foam Mattress had Over the Years

Posted by Sarah Addyson on January 9th, 2020


Today, a memory foam mattress is the most popular type because of the magnificent benefits it brings. For example, if you move while sleeping in a small double mattress made from memory foam, it will not affect your partner at all. But the road to the greatness of this material was not without obstacles and hardships. Customers complained, over the years, about different inconveniences it provoked which made, in turn, the manufacturers search solutions for these problems.

Memory foam was invented by NASA. It was the solution found by the research team when they were given the task to find a way to improve the safety standards for the aircrafts. At the end of the 20th century, in the early 1990s began its rise as the best material for making mattresses. Companies observed its ability to take the form of the body. This was a reaction to the weight and heat it was in contact with. It did not take long to see the benefits that this ability provided. But after a short while problems started to be revealed.

What Complains a Memory Foam Mattress Received?

1. It becomes too hot. Because of its high density and ability to mold itself after your body’s contour, the memory foam mattress  covers a much larger amount of skin. Because of this, it becomes very hot, provoking a feeling similar to that of being wrapped in plastic. Fortunately, the manufacturers found a solution to this problem. They invented a ventilation system for the newer models. It has the role to let the air circulate much faster through the small double mattress and in this way the temperature will remain cooler. This system also has the ability to lower the density of the mattress so you will not have that weird feeling anymore while the lowering of the density will not affect other functions of the memory foam.

2. Too hard or too soft. As mentioned earlier, memory foam reacts to temperature and because of this it becomes harder in a colder environment and softer in a warmer environment. This fact created a situation where on a hot summer night the mattress was too soft and warm while in a winter night it was hard and cold. This propriety is alleviated the higher its density of the foam or with the inclusion of a ventilation system and it can, also, be evaded by adjusting the temperature of the room.

These two were the biggest complaints that happened to all mattresses made from memory foam. There were other complaints that happened mostly to those of lower quality that had a cheaper price. For example, a specific odor to polyurethane was retained by the mattress or those of the lowest quality started to sag after a few months of using. But with time most of these problems were resolved and today only the benefits remain. Some complaints, like the fact that you must not use electric blankets because that may damage your mattress, had not been resolved but can be easily evaded.

Is a Small Double Mattress Made with Memory Foam the Best Choice for You?


The size of the mattress you should buy depend on many factors. The most important one being the number of persons that will sleep in it. If you are the only one, then the only reason you would want a big bed is luxury but if there is your partner too then a double or bigger may be needed.

Another important factor you must consider is the space that is available for the mattress. If it is small but there are two persons that will sleep in that bed then a  small double mattress may be the solution for you. Sometimes even if the space is big enough, you may prefer a smaller bed, and memory foam offers the benefit of not affecting your partner while moving, even in a smaller bed.

Of course, the price also matters. Indeed, a mattress that uses memory foam is much more expensive than a regular spring one. But the benefits it can bring in your life are actually worth much more than the price paid. And generally, if you have the possibility, buy a smaller one of a higher quality than a bigger one with lower quality. You should do this even if there is enough space for a larger mattress.

Nowadays the best place where you can find the highest quality memory foam mattress at the most reasonable price is online because the competition is high and you have the possibility to look at many more options than you could by going from shop to shop.

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Sarah Addyson

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Sarah Addyson
Joined: October 26th, 2018
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