The Paleo Diet and You

Posted by sophiamilller on June 13th, 2012

If you are reading this article then you were probably asking yourself, ”what is the Paleo diet?”  As the obesity levels continue to rise there has never been a better time for people to start becoming slimmer and fitter.  The Paleo diet is unlike many of the other diet fads in the country today.  Take a look at this Paleo Recipe book review if you want to get a head start on this healthy lifestyle.

There are many different diet and lifestyle choices currently available and it is true that dieting has become a way of life for many people.

The Paleo diet is unique as it originates from stimulating the natural elements of the diet which was first followed by the cavemen who were the very first human beings.

Paleo is also known as The Stone Age and comes from the Paleolithic period of history. The Paleo diet is also referred to as the “Hunter Gatherer Diet,” because all the food in this diet was either able to be hunted or gathered. Seafood and meats come under the hunted category and vegetables, nuts and fruits come under the gathered category.  This diet therefore originates from the fact that the first humans on our planet had no knowledge or access to agriculture or animal husbandry and they had a diet which involved eating food which could either be hunted or gathered.

The Paleo diet is popular today and it involves eliminating the man-made and processed foods in our diet. You do not need to actually hunt food for yourself; however, the Paleo diet does involve making nutrition choices which are natural and unaltered.  If you want to get a detailed list of these choices, the first step is to read this Paleo Diet Recipe book review.

The Paleo diet involves eating foods which our ancestors used to consume. The Paleo eating plan is full of natural, quality and high nutritional foods such as seafood, lean meats, fruits and vegetables.

When following the Paleo diet there are certain foods you are not allowed to consume.  These foods include salt, dairy products, grains and sugar.

The Paleo diet has high protein content and is therefore ideal for athletes. The basic foods which make up the Paleo diet include fish, chicken, nuts, lean meats, fruits and vegetables.  These foods help to provide muscle development and energy. Weight loss can be achieved through eliminating all junk food as well as other unhealthy ingredients.

The Paleo diet is very healthy as it eliminates virtually all artificial preservatives and additives which research has found to be harmful to your health.

There are also many health benefits to the Paleo diet, because the Paleo diet is naturally allergen free it does offer potential relief for allergy sufferers. Research has also found that people who follow the Paleo diet report that their mental state improves as they feel more relaxed and suffer less from depression and anxiety. It is also interesting to note that the Paleo diet has been found to decrease acne on your skin.  The Paleo diet has also been found to improve digestion; this is thought to be as a result of the diet being free from gluten.

The Paleo diet is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and has a low calorie count which also makes it an ideal choice for weight loss.  Doing further research on the Paleo diet is recommended for a healthier body.  Hopefully now your question to what is the Paleo diet has been answered.  Taking a look at this Paleo Recipe Book reviewwill give you additional insight as well.

The question you have is what is the Paleo diet?Our website answers that and more. You will also find our Paleo Recipe Book review, which is a great book to get started on this lifestyle.

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