Increase Your Search Traffic to Get a Better Hold of Your Business

Posted by BThrust on March 18th, 2020

The online market place is nothing different than the usual brick and mortar market places. In both areas, the most efficient way to grow sales is to increase the visitors; the only difference is that at online market place they won’t be available physically. So, to satisfy a client about all their needs, you need to hire an SEO Services Company. You would decorate your store with all the good things you can afford, like the best colors, lighting, music or other interior design. Likewise, an SEO company will help you to make your website attractive by retuning the looks and will put all the necessary information to satisfy a visitor. This way, more people will be drawn towards your website and its easy mathematics that more visitors mean more sales.

It might sound very comfortable that it can be managed within 1-2 days, but it takes a lot of team effort to get it done and put your website among the top ones.

Here’re a few points that will widen your idea about how to attract more organic traffic to your website.

On-Page SEO

SEO services can be divided into 2 parts, On-page SEO and Off-page SEO. While off-page SEO deals with the things outside of your website, such as advertising on social media or Television, on-page SEO make some changes to your website to make it better.

If you are getting on a good position on Google, on-page SEO plays a crucial part in that.

Every SEOs in Singapore will tell you to put more focus on the on-page SEO, here’s why,

  • Creating unique content and listing them on the website will give a better position on the search engine.
  • On-page SEO can help the analytical tools and crawlers to determine what is website is about, so they can list you at the right place.
  • If you want to attract the local traffic, on-page SEO can help as it can fill the website with local information. For example, if you have a restaurant, on-page SEO can attract the locals to know about your restaurant.
  • By providing all the necessary information, on-page SEO focuses on long-term value.

Long-Tail Keywords

Whether you want to enlarge your B2B sales or just want to increase more traffic to your website, using long-tail keywords can be very beneficial that contains 5-6 words along with short 2-3 word long keywords.

The best part about the long-tail keywords is that they are more specific to the user's needs. Long-tail SEO is very important in the voice searches and as you know that many people have shifted to voice search now, you must use all the most searched long-tail keywords on your website. When somebody searches anything online through voice search, they can use 5-6 or more words. But, while typing, most of the public doesn’t like to use more than 2-3 words. So if you have hired an experienced SEO agency, they will use long-tail keywords around the short ones. So, it doesn’t matter if anybody is doing voice search or tying, your website is ready for both.

Optimize the Website Speed

 As almost every country has 4G services now, nobody will visit your website if the page loading speed is lower than 80. Besides, your website should also be optimized for mobile as well, because now mobiles are no less than computers and they can be carried anywhere, most people prefer to search for anything on mobile more than they do on a PC or laptop.

Find out the best SEO Singapore Company that can make your website even faster, especially for mobiles.

Here’s how you can increase the speed of your website,

  • Use CDN network
  • Compress the images on your website
  • Reduce plug-ins as much as possible
  • Decrease the number of JavaScript and CSS
  • Contract the redirects
  • Use prefetching
  • Use normal web fronts
  • Use Gzip compression process


Use All the Social Media Platforms

After filling your website with all the required content and optimizing the page loading speed, it’s time to get active on social media. It is not a surprising fact that most of the traffic who be attracted to your website will come from social media. So, get active on LinkedIn, Face book, Twitter, Instagram, etc and market your products there. Make sure that you upload something new daily or you will lose the followers. To make a perfect launch of your website, you can become popular over all the social media tools and announce a sale. This will help you in two ways,

  1. It will help to sell some products
  2. Even if the visitor doesn’t buy anything, still they will know about your website and will become a frequent visitor.

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Joined: May 6th, 2017
Articles Posted: 11

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