Online Earning

Posted by durgaprasad on March 24th, 2020

Major Benefits of Blogging

People often ask me if blogging is a necessary part of online earning?

They also ask me What are the other Major Benefits of Blogging?

Does it really make such a difference for online business or an individual to succeed with having a blog or without having a blog?

The major reason why blogging is highly advised because it brings so many benefits for both individuals and corporations.

Additionally, various insights and industry reports continue affirming the way that organizations that do blogging, see a great deal of advantages from blogging, irrespective of generating leads, increasing traffic, or boosting sales.


With 91.8 million new posts published every month on WordPress alone, there is no uncertainty that blogging has become very popular.

It is an ideal outlet for everyone to have their expression heard. Apart from many benefits blogging can bring, there are three major reasons why blogging has been gaining its popularity over the past years.


Blogging gives you an occasion to reach online users. It is a wonderful resource for search engine optimization.

You generate and submit quality content, and search engines love original content.

This would precisely increase the reach of your blog and increase the influence of your brand on the internet.


As there is a large number of  possible outcomes that blogging gives, it is no big surprise why many people blog.

Blogging gives you increasing traffic with the quality content, build your own brand image, makes you an influencer to your audience and many more exciting benefits.

Exploring these possibilities are based on the vision and goals of your blog, how you want to grow your blog and what are essential methods to become a successful blogger.

Apart from an idea to blog and internet connection, you don’t need anything else to start a blog. Additionally, there are many free online tutorials, courses and guides to enhance the benefits of blogging.


When I speak about the benefits of blogging I consider them in to two categories. Benefits to individuals and benefits to business people.

However, there are so many things in common for both but there are some major differences between them. Let us see them in detail.

Benefits of blogging for Individuals

You Can Share your Experience

Blogging develops a unique opportunity for individuals to share their experience. Individuals can share their personal experiences on a topic they are blogging.

For example they can share their experiences related to Share market, Real Estate, Healthy living, Family Issues, Reading books, Visiting places etc.

This would not only become an outlet of your experiences also you would affect people and help them in a way they need with your experience.

Share your Knowledge

If you are well versed in any domain, you found people are interested in learning, you can start a blog and share your knowledge. You can create brand and become an expert in your subject.

Apart from becoming an expert and growing influence in your niche, this would open up additional opportunities like invitation to workshops, speak on the domain in seminars/conferences etc.

Become a branded Publisher

Blogging can improve your writing skills when you post regularly in your niche. This would make you an authorized branded publisher in your niche.

Your articles will instantly be available for all online users who search for content on your niche.

Hobby becomes Business

Majority of well-known bloggers and influencers started their blogs as a hobby to share something they know.

Eventually, they turned their hobby in to business. They became Paid Speakers and Paid Writers.

They advertised their services through their blog. There are number of ways to monetize the blog.

Become an Influencer

When you publish a quality content on your blog, your blog will be visited by massive audience as visitors. Eventually, blogging enables you to gain a trust and confidence from your blog visitors.

This influence opens so many doors of opportunities like, becoming a celebrity in your niche, an authority in your domain are a few among many that you can have as an established blogger.

Create an Online Community

If your blog has a social media link, you will have an opportunity to chat with your readers, encourage them to participate in questioning or ask them leave a comment.

As your audience grows, so as your online community increases. Overtime, this free community becomes your online customers with whom it is possible to make business.

All these are possible when you submit a quality content regularly in your blog.

Benefits of Blogging for Business People

Increases your Traffic

A blogger provides content to a website. Admirably, this content is optimized by search engines.

The more content you provide, the more indexed pages you will have. This enables your blog having more organic search visibility which in turn search engines will have more links stored in their database.

If you manage to enhance the search visibility of your blog, your website traffic will increase. Of course, this would only possible when you submit unique and quality content to your blog.

Improves SEO

Blogging will increase SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your blog in many ways.

  • Key words that are related to your content improves your site’s SEO.
  • Unique content generate links this enhances the Off site SEO of your website/blog.
  • The more relevant visits you have, the search engines consider content relevant for the specific topic.
  • Search Engines like freshness of content and they love seeing fresh content added and the old content get updated.

Builds influence in the industry

Blogging enhances your influence by authorizing yourself as a skilled and expert in the industry you are in. 

A blog is a platform where you can share your industry related information, views, research and guides with your audience that would help them.

Online users build a trust in your content and you will update your domain with the latest knowledge available around the world. 

The trust, which can have a symbolic impact on their buying decision, in turn convert your audience in to potential customers/consumers.

Creates an Intimate approach

Amazing content can never always bring you business than that of a blog with personal touch.

Many companies use blogs to add some personal experiences to their business, by sharing about the production, initial hurdles, about their employees, their successes and failures etc.

This approach steps-up visitors’ trust in your brand and enable them to develop intimacy with your brand.

Blogs generate inbound links:

Many blogs that focus on related topic will add an inbound link of other website of similar domain or useful and valuable information to the audience as a recommendation for their readers. 

These links would be an important source of traffic and also good for your site optimization.

Generate Emails

More quality content enhances the chances to collect emails.  Increasing your audience is going to gain more interest in your brand.

This allows you an opportunity to collect their emails which you can use them in business-to-customer relationship by email marketing.

This would only possible when you use CTAs (Click To Action) and high converting landing pages to gather more email addresses.

All these benefits form a community of your own, which developed from your frequent, significant and quality content in your domain, can be eventually convert the community into potential customers.


Quality content, better search engine visibility, compelling authority on your domain, trust and influence you developed, increasing traffic, and collection of emails all these become an asset in sales strategy of your company which generate sales through your blog.


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About the Author

Joined: March 24th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1