10 Steps To Becoming a Success in Life

Posted by edosa on September 9th, 2012

10 steps to becoming a success in life

Success is not a one man thing. It is as large as the blue sky above for every person born of woman to have a cut of.

As the Chinese Philosopher Confucius said; “ A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step,” our aim is to make each day of our life a single step climbing the ladder of success.

GOD has already blessed us with success. The scripture in the book of Genesis chapter one verse two says;

“And GOD blessed them, and GOD said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”

The words fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue symbolizes success, which means our heavenly father wants us to be a success not a failure. He wants us to become blessed through all tasks that we lay our hands upon to perform for good. For HE does not reward those that do evil.

But we cannot just sit down all day long; gazing at the sky or throwing cowry shells into the sea and expect success to come to us. We have to claim it. And by claiming, I mean work. Like Adam and Eve tilled the soil and tended to cattle, like Abraham tilled the soil and tended to cattle, like Isaac tilled the soil and tended to cattle, like Jacob tilled the soil and tended to cattle, you must also till the soil (work).

“yea, a man say, thou has faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works.”

                                                                                                                James 2: 18

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

                                                                                                                James 2: 26

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob are all examples of success in the scriptures, but these men were not lazy, they did work and above all, reposed their confidence upon the Almighty allowing HIM to direct their footsteps. They prayed, they fast, they praised GOD, and believed in HIM. For you to be successful in life, you must do the same and the following;

(1)    Have  a dream / vision – a positive one

(2)    Nurture your dream / vision

(3)    Ensure that past experiences are not limiting your thinking and belief in yourself

(4)    Ensure that past conditions are not limiting your thinking and belief in yourself

(5)    Do not listen to those who will try to nudge you out of your dream.

(6)    Be determined to change your life and know the satisfaction of real growth and success.

(7)    Be sure that the fulfillment of your dream/ vision will result to the attainment of your life objectives.

(8)    Be ready to manage the success when it comes

(9)    Trust in God not man with all your heart for direction.

(10) Give thanks to GOD in all situations and pray.

Remember this saying: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. For you to end a race, you must first start. And always know that the race is not for the swift, but for he who can endure to the end. At the top of the ladder is the golden crown of success you have been reaching to put on your head.

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Joined: July 27th, 2012
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