Reasons Why You Should Hire an Experienced Las Vegas Divorce Attorney

Posted by adairsawyer on January 14th, 2013

A divorce can be a stressful and nerve wracking experience for many couples. It not only causes great mental distress but it also threatens the interests of all parties involved.

 If you ever find yourself in this situation, you should seek an experienced Las Vegas divorce attorney. It’s imperative to understand and appreciate the reasons for consulting with a knowledgeable and professional divorce attorney in Las Vegas.

Since divorce is a very delicate matter, it should be handled by only the best and most experienced divorce attorneys. A Las Vegas divorce lawyer will provide you with all of the necessary legal counsel involving the intricacies of divorce law. They will help to ensure that you receive a fair judgment from the court. These experts will also expedite the process and make the situation more bearable by safeguarding your interests.

Annulment in Las Vegas

If you are not satisfied with a divorce you can hire a Las Vegas divorce lawyer to help you obtain an annulment. The annulment will rule the marriage to be illegitimate due to religious grounds, fraud or lack of consent once you meet the legal requirements.


The law in Nevada is neither explicit nor expedient on alimony. However, the law gives consideration to alimony in those cases where the principles of justice and fairness must be upheld. This consideration gives the court wide discretion to rule on whether or not to award alimony. Therefore, it is crucial to hire competent legal representation by an experienced Las Vegas attorney in order to enforce alimony.

Property Division

A difficult issue in any divorce is the division of joint or shared property. If this property division is not handled properly, it can leave one party feeling dissatisfied and disgruntled. However, a capable divorce attorney with an excellent understanding of divorce issues, the court system, and the law, can provide the timely intervention and guidance that you need. They will provide counsel and advice on all of the available options and work efficiently to preserve your best interests.

Legal Separation

For those who are not ready for a divorce, talking to a Las Vegas divorce lawyer may aid in pursuing a legal separation. This is a very delicate decision as courts may grant both child and spousal support, divide property and issue a custody order. Your attorney will counsel you on whether there are sufficient grounds to warrant legal separation based on your personal issues.

Residents of Las Vegas live in a community property state. The law requires property to be shared on a 50-50 basis upon divorce, unless other circumstances apply, such as the issue of separate property and inheritances or gifts that one spouse received during the marriage. An experienced Las Vegas divorce attorney will provide the legal counsel that you need in any situation so that you can receive what is rightfully yours.


Couples who find themselves in a divorce situation should seriously consider talking to an expert Las Vegas divorce lawyer. They will provide timely intervention and excellent representation. This will ensure that interests are protected and that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Greenburg & Nguyen are professional family law attorneys specializing in divorce matters.

Visit the following online resource to choose a Las Vegas divorce attorney. You can count on the knowledge and insight an attorney has to help you to make the right decisions regarding your marriage or an Annulment in Las Vegas.

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