Absinthe: The Green Fairy that becharmed the Parisian artists and authors

Posted by SharonEvans on August 8th, 2013

Absinthe is the name given to the highly alcoholic, distilled beverage made from botanicals, sweet fennel, green anise and other officinal and culinary herbs. The alcohol content of this drink is between 45 to 75 %. It usually has natural green color but it is also available in the colorless form. Due to its green color, the French calls it "The Green Fairy".  At the turn of the 20th century, the liquor went away from the market. It came back in the beginning of the 1990s. The drink gained popularity in 2005 in Europe. At times, absinthe is called liquor, but it is jot bottled with added sugar. Thus, it can be categorized as a spirit. Like absinthe, brandy is a spirit that is prepared by distillation of wine. By volume, brandy has 35 to 60 % alcohol content. It is good as an after-dinner drink.


In the later part of the 18th century, Absinthe came into being in Switzerland’s canton of Neuchâtel. It was introduced as an elixir. The drink gained huge popularity in France in the later after of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. Parisian artists and authors like Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Arthur Rimbaud, Vincent van Gogh, Charles Baudelaire, Amedeo Modigliani, Paul Verlaine, Oscar Wilde, Alfred Jarry, Aleister Crowley, and Ernest Hemingway had a strong fascination for absinthe. It is said that the great American author, Ernest Hemingway, created his 1940 novel called “For Whom The Bell Tolls” under the influence of the green colored absinthe.

In the beginning, absinthe was considered to be an all-purpose remedy due to the benefits of medicinal herbs and wormwood that it contains. It was prescribed for treating the disorders like gout, epilepsy, and kidney stones. Like absinthe, brandy is also prescribed by doctors. It serves a significant content in several patent medicines like Daffy's Elixir.


Authentic absinthe usually comes with the predominant flavor of anise. The people tasting absinthe for the first time often find similarities with black licorice, specifically when they drink neat. Usually, it is mixed with water before drinking. Addition of water releases the flavors and smell of the herbs suspended in the drink to offer it a smooth taste.  When distilled appropriately, Absinthe offers certain secondary effects other than the alcoholic effects. The herbs in absinthe are believed to heighten the clarity of mind and leave the drinker with a warm and buzzing feeling. Like absinthe, brandy also tastes good. It offers the drinker with a warming sensation.

Those who are of 21 years of age or more can buy absinthe in the United States. The drink can be brought online. There are a large number of online stores that have absinthe in their stock. Whether you buy absinthe or brandy, it is advised to get the drink from recognized vendors or suppliers. Remember, absinthe should be kept in cool place. It should not be stored in a place that receives direct sunlight. The bottle containing absinthe should be closed tightly.

If you are willing to acquire detailed information on absinthe and brandy, you can browse through our site. Our website is a complete treasury of information on different sorts of liquors.

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