Money Saving Shopping Tips For The New Year

Posted by adortalukdar on January 14th, 2014

As the New Year dawns brightly upon us we all resolve to lose more weight, spend more quality time with our families, and to become more financially secure. These are all wonderful resolutions, and with a little planning we can accomplish each of these goals. The following shopping tips are designed to help you start your New Year off right.

Grocery Shopping Tips

Groceries are some of those items that we all must have. What we do not have to have is a large bill for groceries that are going to make us fat, or wind up sitting in the fridge until they spoil. There are a few approaches to buying food that we can take to stop these things from happening.

• Make a menu for the week, or the month. Then you can follow the menu and eliminate excess purchases.

• Make a list before you go to the store.

• Stick to your list. No matter how great the sale item is you need to stick to your list. You will be training yourself to resist impulse purchases.

• Buy fresh as often as possible. Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthier for your diet. Do not buy massive quantities because fresh fruits and vegetables have a limited shelf life.

• Never shop for food when you are hungry. Eat a light snack before you go shopping for food and this will reduce impulse purchases.

• Never shop for food when you are in a hurry. When you are in a hurry you will buy more items, buy more expensive items, and likely not buy healthy items.

Shopping Tips for Household Goods

We all need things in our homes from time to time. New bed linens, decorative accessories, and even major appliances. You have to plan to shop wisely for these items in order to save money through the year.

• Quality linens cost a little more, but they last a lot longer. Buy quality linens during January for the biggest price break.

• Do not buy decorations on an impulse. It is okay to browse in the accessory shops, and admire all of the beautiful items available, but do not buy something on the spur of the moment. Admire the item, then go home and decide where you would place the item, and if the item matches your other décor. Impulse buys can add up to large amounts of money each year.

• Put three percent of each of your paychecks into a savings account that you designate for appliances. When your washer goes out you will have some money to use for the repairs, or the purchase of a new machine.

Shopping Tips for Clothing

We have to have clothes to wear, but we do not have to have the most expensive items on the racks, and we do not have to have so many clothes in our closet. In order to save money you have to assess your wardrobe with an open mind. The key here is to remember that you need all things in moderation. You do not need 20 pairs of shoes.

Each year we resolve to save money so we try and read all of the shopping tips we can find to help us do this. Shopping tips are to be used as guidelines, but you will have to be the final voice of reason in your home. You can get more information from shopping Warwick. You can also click here for more. 

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