Understanding the Work Process of Traducci?n Jurada(Sworn Translation)

Posted by RaynaJess on February 23rd, 2014

With business perspective of our world changing every minute, various legal prospects are coming into play to invoke safety and security in ideas, concepts, and operations. In order to publish, send, and display these legal documents in different languages, professionals with expertise in translation, are extending their helping hand. When a legal document is translated into any other language with its legal value intact, the process is called traducción jurada(sworn translation). This facility is recognized to be the best way to maintain legal validity of a translated legal document. Just as various specializations such as- traductores de alemán(German translators) this process is capable of fulfilling certain requirements without bringing any complexities in the fold. Let us discuss about this translation process and learn how it is important.

What is Traducción Jurada(Sworn Translation)?

The primary meaning of this particular translation process is linked to its primary purpose, which is to certify accuracy of legal documents, ideas, and concepts. It maintains the structure and the format of the original document to embed validity in the process. Its main difference with general translations is that- in order to execute this translation process, the experts have to be well educated and experienced to understand the requirements of a legal document and implement them through the translation. So, we can state that maintaining the legal value of the original document, makes this translation process special.

Qualification of the Service Provider

Following this process can be challenging for general translators. In order to acquire this capacity, professionals need to obtain specialized knowledge in this specific field. Degree of translation comes with the requirement of understanding legal terms and their execution method. There are different organizations and educational courses that can offer such degrees but these courses follow the common aspect of explaining legal methods to the students. Traductores de alemán(German translators) and experts of other languages can also offer traducción jurada(sworn translation) services with exceptional education program and training.

Work Division

This interpretation process works by depending on the legal requirements and limitations of respective country. Therefore, the service provider must be aware of the guidelines and boundaries. This process is generally used to deal with formal letters and legal documents such as-

•             Certificates

•             Diplomas

•             Mandates

•             Documentation of company registration

•             Permits

•             Letters of attorney

•             Legal statements

•             Court decisions

•             Licenses

So, as the information shows, there is more than one way to use this interpretation process. With the help of traductores de alemán(German translators) and other experts with specialized skills, translation process is feasible.

Division of Standard

This standard maintains the validity of a sworn interpretation service provider. It is protected by the law of different states and countries. It has two segments.

Common law: According to this standard, the professional must have formal qualification in translation to act as a sworn interpreter. The documentations of his/her education must be submitted to the authorities to affirm validity of the professional and the translation. Countries like- United Kingdom, Ireland, British colonies, and USA follow this regulation.

Civil law: According to this legal segment, the interpreter must have a formal educational qualification to act as a sworn translator and the authorities would love to go through his/her registration documentations.

This is how sworn translation process proceeds.

Are you in search for a traducción jurada(sworn translation) service provider? Then visit our site and find the most trustworthy and efficient traductores de alemán(German translators) without any confusion.

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