How to have a lucid dream tonight

Posted by luciddreamtech on March 28th, 2014

If you are wondering why you cannot remember your dreams, but getting up feeling good or bad depending upon them, then start thinking about lucid dreaming! Here is a technique that you can employ to control your dream in such a way that you only dream about good things and get up refreshed. To start a lucid dream tonight, try the following steps-

  1. During daytime, whatever you are doing, wherever you are sitting, ask yourself if you are dreaming? This is like waking up your mind and asking yourself, either as a whisper or within your mind. Sometimes, unknowingly, our mind enters into a foray of thoughts completely different from the activity we are doing. This is what dreaming is all about. During such situations, try to recollect your thoughts. If you want, try writing them or in case of time restrictions, try to remember what thoughts were going on in your head. This way, you can also start controlling it.
  2. Lucid dreams usually occur a little before your wake up time. Sometimes, this happens after you wake up for a minute and go back to sleep. So, if you want to experience Lucid dreaming, you can try to wake yourself up for a few minutes and go back to your sleep. You are bound to experience a lucid dream.
  3. Remembering or maintaining a journal of all the dreams you have can also help you set a pattern on your lucid dreams. This way, you can induce a lucid dream whenever you want. It is not only at sleep time that you can experience lucid dreams. At any time of the day, try to relax in a chair, put your legs up and start dozing off. If you remember your dreams after a nap, you may also realise that these provide a sort of continuation to the thoughts that you were having a second before you started dozing off.
  4. Before falling asleep in the night, relax your mind by doing a few minutes of meditation and think good thoughts about an event or a thing that you would like to dream about. Tell yourself repeatedly that ‘I want to have a lucid dream tonight’ or whatever you would like to, as an instruction to your subconscious mind. This way, you are bound to experience it and also remember vividly the next day.

The Subconscious mind of a person is a very powerful tool in controlling his actions in real life. Controlling your mind with induced lucid dreams can make you very successful in whatever you are aiming to achieve.

About the company:

Lucid Dream Technique provides trusted and comprehensive information about techniques to have lucid dreaming. These scientifically proven lucid dream techniques are helpful in controlling dreams. For beginners, lucid dream technique is a right option because it provides basic E-Course for beginners. But also have an e-course for experienced lucid dreamers.

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