What To Do When Your Tattoo Becomes Regret

Posted by chelseacosmetics on April 9th, 2014

People get tattooed for many reasons-to immortalize their love, memorialize an event or simply because they find them stylish. But, what people don’t realize is that getting a tattoo is a big decision and a long time commitment. Love relationships may go sour and style may go out of vogue; so, sometimes it happens that people get themselves inked only to regret later. Fortunately, modern cosmetic clinics like Chelsea Cosmetic clinic for tattoo removal in Melbourne, offers fast and effective laser tattoo removal method that is not just effective but also, completely safe. So, read on to find out more about laser tattoo removal.

What is laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal provides people with a non-invasive tattoo removal option with the newest laser technology that operates on a Q-switched laser.

How does it work?

Modern Cosmetic clinics like Chelsea Cosmetics offer tattoo removal using the breakthrough Palomar Q YAG 5 laser that removes unwanted tattoos with great ease. Palomar Q-YAG 5 is a revolutionary Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser designed mainly for tattoo removal. It emits a highly focused beam of laser light which passes harmlessly through the outer layer of the skin and is absorbed primarily by the tattoo ink. As the light is absorbed, it is quickly converted to heat. The sudden rise in temperature fractures the ink into tiny particles. Tattoo ink fragments then are carried away by the lymphatic system. Since only the tattoo dye is targeted by the laser, there is minimal risk of scarring or skin damage with this method of tattoo removal.

Does tattoo removal work for everyone?

There are certain colors that are harder to remove like-fluorescent and purple. So, before going for tattoo removal, you should always discuss your case with an expert. At Chelsea Cosmetics, the experts use the advance laser tattoo removal in Melbourne that removes most tattoos completely. Even the most difficult to remove colors will fade to a point where they are nearly impossible to see.

How much does it cost? As far as the cost is concerned, it will usually depend on factors such as the pigment colors of your tattoos, its size, type and the number of sessions required.

How many sessions does it require?

All tattoos have layers of ink, stacked on top of each other within the skin; the thick concentration of pigment particles that cannot be completely broken down in one session. Therefore, tattoo removal requires multiple sessions. The number of sessions a person requires depends on the type and color of the tattoo. At Chelsea Cosmetics, the leading center for laser tattoo removal in Victoria, the experts will go over your entire tattoo with the laser, breaking up as much ink as possible in every session.

Each session will produce some level of fading, and with a few sessions you will get a tattoo free skin that you’ll absolutely love. So, no matter what type of tattoo you have, always rely on Chelsea Cosmetics for tattoo removal in Melbourne. The experts at Chelsea Cosmetics will help you get rid of your tattoo permanently, like it never existed! To know more, visit-http://chelseacosmetics.com.au/

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Joined: April 9th, 2014
Articles Posted: 1