Bob Davis

Bob Davis

Joined: November 8th, 2016
Articles Posted: 11


Published 7 Years Ago
A Homebody?s Guide to using Aluminum Foil
Think you can only use aluminum foil for cooking food and keeping leftovers fresh? Think again.

Published 7 Years Ago
Trump?s focus on Aluminum Trade draws Toyota?s Attention
The car manufacturer won?t be much affected by President Trump?s decision on steel and aluminum trade, regardless of what that decision is.

Published 7 Years Ago
Trade Action Against China Launched by American Aluminum Producers
As the first trade case for the Trump Administration, it’s a measuring stick to determine how fat the government’s protectionist agenda will go. BEIJING— U.S. aluminum producers, who for years complained of discriminatory trade

Published 7 Years Ago
8 Surprising Ways to use Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is something that everyone has in the kitchen since it has multiple uses within the realm of food storage. Aluminum foil is the knight in shining armor of home makers as it can serve as a handy pie shield or a makeshift broiler pan,

Published 7 Years Ago
Aluminum Part Supplier Makes Investment Announcement Regarding Tesla Model 3
As the discussion as to which parts of the upcoming Tesla Model 3 will be made from aluminum, and which parts will be made from steel continues, one of the aluminum part suppliers announced that they were going to increase their output of certain parts,

Published 7 Years Ago
China?s Smog Efforts Will Not Change Aluminum Market
China is one of the top producers of aluminum in the world. They are also taking considerable measures to combat pollution.

Published 7 Years Ago
Aluminum iѕ аn аbundаnt element with mаnу dеѕirаblе characteristics mаking it a prim

Published 7 Years Ago
Global Aluminum plates and Sheet coils Market to grow during 2016-2020
Analysts from Technavio recently released a report that predicted the global growth of the sheet coils (used in the food and beverage industry for the

Published 7 Years Ago
Aluminum Christmas Tree: The Return Of a Vintage Item
It was all the rage in the United States of America in the 1950s until the mid-1960s. We're talking about the aluminum Christmas tree; some key features it displayed include foil needles as well as lighting which illuminate the tree by way of a revolving

Published 7 Years Ago
Chemtrails: Research Found Aluminium, Barium and Titanium Metals in Human Brains
Chеmtrаіlѕ are plumes of hаrmful chemicals rеgurgіtаtеd frоm mіlіtаrу аnd commercial jеtѕ thаt grеаtlу

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