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Kenny English

Kenny English
I write about different hair fall and treatment related.
Joined: June 8th, 2023
Articles Posted: 23


Published 2 Days Ago
The Norwood Scale and Male Pattern Baldness
How does the Norwood Scale work? It simply shows what minimal, medium, and maximum hair loss looks like, helping men figure out if – and when – to stop it.

Published 1 Month Ago
Menopause and Hair Loss
Male hair loss gets all the attention, but half of all women experience some hair loss in their lifetimes. Very often, that happens during and after menopause.

Published 5 Months Ago
Understanding Alopecia Universalis
Long a mystery and short on treatments, this is a condition that renders the entire body hairless. But one small study shows hope in a psoriasis medication.

Published 5 Months Ago
Exercise and Hair Loss: Is There a Link?
Exercise and the lack thereof affects hair and scalp health. Looking at it more broadly, you want to feed your hair and reduce stress, which exercise can do.

Published 6 Months Ago
The FDA and Hair Loss Treatments
The introduction of a new, FDA-approved hair loss drug is a breakthrough for millions of people suffering from severe alopecia areata.

Published 6 Months Ago
5 Ways for Women to be Kinder to Their Hair
Just as one exercises and follows good nutrition habits to ensure a healthier body and skin, there are proactive ways to ensure stronger, healthier hair.

Published 6 Months Ago
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplants: How it Works
To understand how FUE is an advancement in hair replacement, it helps to know what came before it. Plus, it corrects the maddening injustice of hairy backs as the noggin goes hairless.

Published 7 Months Ago
Is there a Cure for Hair Loss on the Horizon?
Promising discoveries in laboratories increase our understanding of what leads to hair loss. But for now, finasteride and minoxidil are what works.

Published 9 Months Ago
Diabetes and Hair Loss: Is There a Link?
You bet there is. Diabetes, in both the Type I and Type II forms, is a tax on the entire body, leading to organ damage – including to hair-feeding blood vessels.

Published 9 Months Ago
Telogen Effluvium: Hair Loss in Response to Trauma
Stress both physical and emotional can cause a particular kind of hair shedding that is alarming. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is one of many causes.

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