Sai University

Sai University
Sai University
Joined: September 22nd, 2022
Articles Posted: 12


Published 1 Year Ago
Why debating is a key life skill?
Communication has always been one of the crucial life skills that aids people in all aspects of their lives, be it personal or professional.

Published 1 Year Ago
Demystifying the idea of team teaching
With innovative and interesting teaching models emerging day by day, team teaching is now being pursued to make the classroom space dynamic and all encompassing.

Published 1 Year Ago
Tips to help you master the art of time management
Be it Bill Gates or you, everyone has 24 hours a day. It’s no secret that Bill Gates has an insane work schedule. So how does he manage the responsibilities and stay at the top of the game?

Published 1 Year Ago
Five tips to make the transition to university easier
Young and ambitious students leave high school and walk into the portals of universities with myriad hopes, goals, and aspirations.

Published 1 Year Ago
Being a student in the life of covid-19
The word ‘classroom’ draws different images for each of us. For those of us who have spent our childhoods going to school and college in a physical space, the words are usually ‘black board’, ‘ringing of the bell’, ‘canteens’ and so on.

Published 1 Year Ago
5 reasons why we need liberal education in India
Liberal arts education is a learning approach that teaches students how to think independently and develop broad academic and intellectual abilities.

Published 1 Year Ago
Why study environmental regulations?
As significant economic changes sweep India, the need for environmental protection laws and regulations is felt more than ever in both the public and private sectors.

Published 1 Year Ago
Of Liberty, Power, and Right — the ideologies we hold dear
History classes in school have always felt sterile and monotonous to me. I am not one who would voluntarily enrol into one. My primary interest is in the sciences and that is what I look forward to studying at SaiU.

Published 1 Year Ago
Learning to think critically
Ever wondered what it means to ‘think’? Is it the same as observation? If it is not, how does it differ from it? The course on Critical Thinking explains it all.

Published 1 Year Ago
Embedded Systems and Robotics
Ever wondered how streetlights turn on automatically at dusk or what drives a digital watch? Although we encounter ‘embedded systems’ very regularly in our daily lives, we are seldom cognizant of their presence. When something is “electronic”, “

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