

Joined: March 26th, 2015
Articles Posted: 7


Published 9 Years Ago
Chief Digital Officer Summits Conducted Every Year to Garner Better Understandin
We are living in a digital age, where everything is based on technology. Even the industries today have acknowledged the ascent of information technology and embraced this vast change. It can be seen as shift from traditional industry.Given the scenario,

Published 9 Years Ago
There is need to learn digital parameters for inclusion in sectors
Going digital is the new trend and one of the important features of the digital world is that there is no limitation as far as the boundaries are concerned. There are people who have gone to some of the top levels in this field and not only the sky is the

Published 9 Years Ago
Data World is Changing the Business Scenario
The business in the world of today becomes probably a fundamental challenge for the one who is doing it. The fact is it depends on the various factors and one of them is the key discussion that the experts are doing at the various conferences or the board

Published 9 Years Ago
Growing Digital World and Crucial Role of Officers in This Field
The world of technology has really demonstrated that things can go beyond the boundaries. This is a digital world and in this world, we have to create a chain of talented officers who can steer the gear to a next level. To establish a digital business,

Published 9 Years Ago
Data-The Lifeline of Business and Its Future
In the CDO summits in various developed countries, there is a wide focus on the lead roles like the chief data scientist, chief data officer and the chief analytics officer. The key objective is to focus on the growth of big organization because data is

Published 9 Years Ago
The Significant Role in the Data World of 21st Century
There is no doubt about the fact that the CDO is a sexiest job as far as the 21st century is concerned. The fact is that the c-data roles are really revolutionary and one cannot deny the fact that the role one plays in C-data is something like a tide and

Published 9 Years Ago
Vast lectures on digital career are just the beginning
The CDO clubs are the premier platforms where one can discuss things regarding the big data world. In fact, we are going ahead in this area which is going to dominate the job scenario in the 21st century. There is growing need of chief data officers