

Joined: May 21st, 2013
Articles Posted: 7


Published 10 Years Ago
Bankruptcy As A Tool For Financial Planning
Life does not always stay the same. Sometimes we are faced with certain difficult situations where we feel absolutely clueless about how to get out of them. During times of financial difficulties, filing for bankruptcy is a good way to seek respite from a

Published 10 Years Ago
Common Bankruptcy Terms That You Need To Know
The experienced Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys Chicago at the law offices of Chang and Carlin help many people every day resolve their financial difficulties. However, a large number of people who come to their law offices are not aware of

Published 10 Years Ago
Things To Keep In Mind Before Meeting A Bankruptcy Attorney
An important step before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy Chicago is consulting with a good bankruptcy attorney. It's important to discuss all your apprehensions with a bankruptcy attorney and get a clearer picture of the potential realties of your

Published 10 Years Ago
Can A Credit Card Company Come In Way Of Your Debt Discharge
Many people who approach the law office of Chang and Carlin to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Chicago have credit card debt. The good news is that credit card debt is one of the easiest types of debt to discharge in bankruptcy. The most common question

Published 11 Years Ago
When Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing Becomes Unaffordable
The common reason why debtors try to file for protection on their own is that they are too broke to afford a legal representation. Unfortunately, statistics prove that the debtors, who are unfamiliar with the complexity of the process, or lack

Published 11 Years Ago
Keep Your Hard Earned Money: Stop Wage Garnishment Using Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Having your wages garnished is one of the most upsetting things that can happen to a person. Garnishments can diminish your hard-earned income, making it nearly impossible for you to afford basic necessities. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Wage Garnishment:

Published 11 Years Ago
Get a Fresh Start with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Saddled with debt? Cash flow worries keep you awake at night? Can’t answer your phone because it’s always creditors? Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Chicago can help you attain peace of mind, allowing you to start over with a clean