

Joined: March 7th, 2017
Articles Posted: 26


Published 4 Years Ago
What Is Dizziness
Next to headache the common syntoms suffered by most of the adult population is dizziness,gidiness or chakar.However this term has been use by patient populations to Convey different symptoms in brain.Anything abnormal happening in brain is reported by

Published 4 Years Ago
Stroke or Aptly Called Brain Attack
When the brain cells controlling a particular function of the body loose their capacity to perform it due to sudden sussesion - stoppage of his blood  supply results in it distruction and hence corresponding parts loosing it function called

Published 4 Years Ago
Some Tips for Protecting Your Hearing This Summer
The World Health Organization (WHO), said that 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults, ages 12 to 35, are at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to damaging levels of sound at various noisy entertainment venues and the unsafe use of personal audio

Published 4 Years Ago
5 Home Remedies To Remove Earwax
Here are the main home solutions for expel earwax. 1. Salt Water: Salt water is the best earwax evacuation arrangement that can be utilized at home. It can mellow the wax gathered inside the ear, making it simple to dispose of.Blend one teaspoon of salt

Published 5 Years Ago
The Effects of Alcohol on Your Body
Alcohol’s impact on your body starts from the moment you take your first sip.

Published 5 Years Ago
Some ways fasting can be beneficial for you!
Why fasting is good for health:Fasting is defined as abstinence from food for a defined period of time. Indians have been doing it for a long time, especially for their religious beliefs. Whatever the reason, fasting has been found to have immense health

Published 5 Years Ago
Good nutrition during pregnancy
You’re having a baby. Congratulations being pregnant can be wonderful. But it can also be confusing. Don't worry it's normal to have a lot of questions. You want to know to give your baby the best start you can. You wonder what to eat and how

Published 5 Years Ago
Tasty Food for healthy hair
Food which we eat daily, affects the health of our hair directly or indirectly.

Published 5 Years Ago
How Heart attack is different from Cardiac arrest?
The famous Bollywood actress Sridevi died It is believed that the reason of her death was cardiac arrest. Sridevi was only 54 years old and she was quite fit. In such a way, people are surprised to wonder how despite being so fit, she came in the grip of

Published 5 Years Ago
Migraine: A chronic disease
Migraine has become most common disorder worldwide. A migraine is not just a headache but is a chronic neurological disease. A migraine affects the daily activities and normal functioning of the person.It never comes with age but commonly found in the

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