Joined: December 27th, 2018
Articles Posted: 6


Published 5 Years Ago
5 Skincare Myths Girls Shouldn’t Believe
When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of old wives’ tales and even misinformation about how to take care of your face and what causes acne. It can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction. So, let’s take a look at five common skincare

Published 5 Years Ago
Host a Tween or Teen Spring Sleepover with These 3 Beauty Essentials
You and your girlfriends deserve a night of pampering. So, why not host a fun spa-themed slumber party for your next get-together? Use the occasion to catch up on life and school, and then watch a movie—all while showing your skin some love,

Published 5 Years Ago
Three Tips for Helping Your Daughter Feel Comfortable in Her Own Skin(Literally)
When it comes to helping your daughter feel comfortable in her own skin, one should first look to ways to enhance her natural beauty. The best advice you could probably give starts with a simple question: How should she take care of her skin? The

Published 5 Years Ago
Spring Skincare Tips for Tweens and Teens
Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes a time to reassess your skincare routine to make sure you’re taking the best care of your skin as possible in this new season. As spring starts, consider making some tweaks to your routine so your

Published 5 Years Ago
Keep Your Skin Healthy During Colder Months with These Tips
Winter time is one of the best times of the year for a variety of reasons. If you're a fan of winter activities like skiing and sledding, or just like bundling up next to a cozy fireplace, then you probably wait all year for the temperatures to drop.

Published 5 Years Ago
Four Skincare Practices Your Skin Will Love?At Any Age
Girls of all ages face unique challenges when it comes to skincare. From reoccurring breakouts and excess oil to dry or otherwise sensitive skin, skincare for tween and teen girls can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Now pair all of that with a