

Joined: August 11th, 2010
Articles Posted: 10


Published 13 Years Ago
Make a Perfect Home with Color Schemes
Choosing a color scheme for the rooms of your home is fun and trigger to your imagination. Moreover, a perfect color scheme looks beautiful and gives you mental peace when you reach home after a hectic day. Every color has its own characteristic to give

Published 13 Years Ago
Storage Space? Not a Problem!
If you are facing problem in storing your things, there are two possibilities -- either you have insufficient storage space or you have ineffective storage space. In the first case, you don't have much of a space to store your things. In the later case,

Published 13 Years Ago
Global Warming, A Matter of Concern
There is a lot of concern and awareness nowadays regarding the global warming, because the future of mankind is dependent on it. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and ozone are components of Earth's climate that absorb and emit Sun's

Published 13 Years Ago
An earthquake is caused by an abrupt gush of energy in the Eargh's crust and it creates seismic waves that are the waves of energy traveling through the center of the Earth. The frequency, kind and strength of the earthquake are referred to as seismicity

Published 13 Years Ago
Impressionism started in the 19th century. It was an art movement which started as a loose association of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions made them famous in the 1870s and 1880s. The name, impressionism, was inspired by Claude Monet's

Published 13 Years Ago
At the beginning of the 20th century, a cultural movement started in painting and poetry. It was the Expressionism. It began in Germany. Its remarkable feature is to depict the world in an utmost subjective perspective, violently twisting it to get an

Published 14 Years Ago
There was a great cultural movement roughly between 14th and 17th centuries called Renaissance. It started in Florence, Italy, and later spread throughout Europe. Renaissance was a movement about learning based on classical sources, developing linear

Published 14 Years Ago
Awesome Fiji Islands
One of the most wonderful tropical destinations is the Fiji Islands. Situated about 2000 kilometers to the northeast of New Zealand, Fiji is an island nation in Melanesia, in the heart of the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of an archipelago made up of

Published 14 Years Ago
The Beautiful Bahamas
A  wonderful travel destination is The Bahamas. The Bahamas is located in the Atlantic Ocean lying between the continents of South and North America and is containing 29 tiny islands, 661 cays and 2387 islets. Nassau being the capital city of The

Published 14 Years Ago
The Spectacular Great Barrier Reef
One of the most exciting holiday destinations would be the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef, made up of nearly 3000 individual reefs and 900 islands in an area of nearly 350,000 square kilometers. This reef is situated in the Coral Sea,