Ptosis Correction

Ptosis Correction

Joined: July 17th, 2015
Articles Posted: 7


Published 8 Years Ago
Reasons For Double Eyelid Surgery And Ptosis Correction
Patients seeking double eyelid surgery are required to undergo ptosis correction otherwise the surgery can possibly further aggravate their condition. The main reason for correcting and treating ptosis is dysfunctional condition of the eyes of patients

Published 8 Years Ago
What Is Ptosis Correction?
Ptosis is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid. This condition is likely to affect one or both eyes when the edge of the upper lid falls, the upper part of your visual field may become obstructed. Patient can find it more and more difficult

Published 8 Years Ago
Comprehensive Idea On What Is Ptosis Correction
It is well admitted fact that almost all the persons want to have and maintain the beauty of their beautiful eyes. The reason for this is that eyes are the most prominent part of one's face. Although it is said that no feature is as tell-tale as the

Published 9 Years Ago
Ptosis Correction And Synkinetic Ptosis Treatment
Ptosis is the condition that causes droopy eyelid which is the abnormally low position of your upper eyelid. Since the droopy eyelids vary in severity they can range from hardly noticeable to completely covering the pupil, iris as well as other parts of

Published 9 Years Ago
What Is The Difference Between Blepharoplasty And Ptosis Repair
It is a fact that Ptosis repair is different from a blepharoplasty. In the process of ptosis repair the eyelid muscle is weak and needs to be lifted and tightened while in a blepharoplasty there is extra skin that needs to be removed. These are two

Published 9 Years Ago
Congenital Traumatic Ptosis And Other Types Of Ptosis
A condition where upper eyelid falls to a position that is lower than normal than this drooping eyelid is called ptosis or blepharoptosis. It is found that when left untreated severe cases of ptosis, the drooping eyelid can cover part or the entire pupil

Published 9 Years Ago
What Are The Causes And Treatment Options For Miosis
With advanced technology and expertise there are ways to correct Ptosis which is a drastic condition blocking central vision of the patient. Though it is often considered as cosmetic issue ophthalmologists who treat the condition are of the opinion that