

Joined: October 3rd, 2013
Articles Posted: 12


Published 9 Years Ago
Body Polish- The Secrets to a Lustrous and Silky Skin
It’s an absolute pleasure to feel good about your body and skin. A smooth and soft skin feels wonderful every time you sense appreciation in eyes of people around you. Nothing can serve as a better substitute than a generous dose of body polish

Published 10 Years Ago
How Spa Therapy Can Keep Your Hair Frizz Free In Monsoon Season
After two months of unbearably hot weather, rains are something we all look forward to but unfortunately, rain, along with relief bring along with it, many hair problems such as sticky or frizzy hair, dullness, hair fall, and dandruff. To top that,

Published 10 Years Ago
Spa Secrets: Get Seaweed Facial For A Healthy Complexion
We view celebrities and movie stars as our role models and we always strive to get glowing and healthy complexion like them but despite our best efforts we are unable to get glowing skin like them. According to the best spas in Delhi, just a little at

Published 10 Years Ago
Say Good Bye To Summer Woes With Spa Therapy
Summer is at its peak, with temperature hovering over 40 degree Celsius. Harsh summer heat combined with dust and pollution can take its toll on your beauty. No matter how much you try to protect yourself, the harsh weather leaves its adverse effect on

Published 10 Years Ago
Best Spa Treatments To Revive Tired Skin
Does your skin feel tired and lifeless? Do you miss the compliments you used to get when your skin was glowing and healthy? Then you should definitely consider getting a spa therapy. Hectic lifestyle, pollution and stress take toll on our skin’s

Published 10 Years Ago
Takradhara Ayurvedic Treatment Benefits
In today’s competitive world, it is very important to stay both mentally and physically fit. But, stress, pollution and the cut throat competition leaves our body exhausted and our mind full of stress. Thankfully, Ayurveda has a solution to cleanse

Published 10 Years Ago
Discover A Radiant Self With Body Polishing
Glowing skin not just reflects your outer beauty but also reflects how positive you are from inside. But, pollutants and chemicals make it absolutely impossible for our skin to look healthy and radiant always. Sure, there are makeup tricks to make your

Published 10 Years Ago
Ways To Get Beautiful Skin Like A Celeb
Ever wondered how the movie stars manage to look perfect and beautiful always? What is the secret behind their glowing complexion? The secret behind their beautiful skin is good quality skin care products, healthy diet and strict skin care routine. So, if

Published 10 Years Ago
Resolutions To Make This New Year For Healthier Hair
New Year is almost here, it’s a time to make new resolutions, new promises. So, why not make resolutions for a healthier body this year? Beautiful hair is an accessory that always adorns us and never goes out of vogue; then why not give it some

Published 10 Years Ago
How To Get A Pimple Free Skin Before Your Wedding
Picture this scenario-you are getting ready for your wedding, you have the best designer outfit, best make-up artist, best accessories and clothes adorn your wedding trousseau, you turn towards the mirror to admire yourself, but suddenly all your

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