

Joined: February 13th, 2018
Articles Posted: 9


Published 5 Years Ago
Get a Garment Tech Pack to Keep a Track of the Consignment
What happens when a designed garment doesn’t turn out to be a perfect one? It surely won’t appeal to the buyer anyway due to its unfinished look and not so clean seams and edges. Sometimes, it may also happen that due to poor management the

Published 5 Years Ago
Use Garment Tech Packs for Efficient Working
The garment tech packs are used for decoding the interpretations of designers and manufacturers for creating unique garments.

Published 5 Years Ago
CAD Fashion Design and Fashion Design Services ? Go Hand in Hand
The fashion design services also ensure they deliver everything as per their customers and therefore, CAD is something every designer should get used

Published 5 Years Ago
The Art to Draw Technical Fashion Flats is a Skillset!
A technical fashion flat forms the basic design construction details including darts, gathers, and trims.

Published 5 Years Ago
Some Facts About Technical Fashion Flats
When we say technical fashion flat, we probably are talking of a sketch portraying shades of black and white hues laid flat to showcase the seams and stitches of the garment. The fashion industry functions by how flat sketches and drawings of the

Published 5 Years Ago
Going Back to the Basics of Fashion Flats and Illustrators
What is that one thing that one would want to excel as a fashion designer? Learning the art of Fashion flat sketches is the primary thing to master if anyone chooses to become a successful designer. Now, you must be wondering what exactly are flat

Published 5 Years Ago
Technical Fashion Flats Vs. Conventional Ones
Fashion industry work through sketches or flat drawings of the garments. So, what are these flats? When a designer thinks about innovative design, it needs to be pinned down for a visual understanding of the garment. The technical fashion flats thus

Published 6 Years Ago
Flat Sketches Make an Impact to the Garment
The changing design requirements call for varied sketches whether by freehand or via software apps.

Published 6 Years Ago
The Fashion Illustration Flat Drawings ? An Exceptional Work of Art
The flat sketches of dresses not just brainstorm better ideas during the early stages of the fashion designing process but also help in the manufactur